What is Varca?

Great Manu classified society into four sections to promote peace and prosperity (Manu 1.31). These sections are based on aptitude, innate qualities, inclinations, and voluntary vocational selections, or Karmça that are never given by birth or Janamaca but by vocations only. These sections of society are called Varcas. Varca is singular and is pronounced as varc. The Varcas are
described as follows:

1. Brahmin: Brahmins serve the society by using their intellectual property. Brahmins comprise intellectual class of society that are primarily engaged in propagation of education,preservation
of Dharma/human rights, scholarship and scripts and the development of devotional services to Omniscient Eeshvar/God. It includes the study of scriptures and to impart the gained knowledge to others through education (Manu 1.31). These are
the ‘Think Tank’ of the society.


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